Tailor Made Competition Music
Various Show Stopping Performances
Roland Tong
This is Roland Tong riding to music I created for him and Fonteyne which won the PSG at the Nationals.

A fantastic 3rd place for Annie and Roy in the Grand Prix Freestyle at Aintree International Equestrian Centre High profile 71.8%. Annie rode to a Bon Jovi theme in a very high quality, large field. Roy really excelled against more established horses, showing his total power and potential to become a top Intermnational Grand Prix performer.
samantha bloor and ELASON
Sam and Hugo's first outing in an Inter 1 Freestyle, and what a venue to try out her new Pink themed music. Not only did Hugo cope with the terrors of a knight in armour, diners by the arena and cheering, he came away with a terrific 2nd place rosette.

examples of competition music
Gaynor, a composer and musician licenced and registered by the PRS, MCPS and a distinguished Imdb artist, has had 11,239 winning routines Worldwide since 1980 she and Jennie Loriston Clarke originated Dressage to Music as we know it today. These wins include all levels, International, Olympic, Para, MCI routines. Thousands of examples can be watched on my youtube channel.
Above are some clinic sessions where we planned the music for theor competition Freestyles. Tanya Buckingham on Sip has won every time out with her Latin Music. Albertho B, owned by Di Hayes, and ridden by Katharine Lewis have won every time out, including the Nationals. This is their Gentleman Jack Routine. Lucy Baker and her 6 year old Novice, with her specially composed music for the National, where she had a high placing. Hilary Bowyer and Fred, with their new Elementary, which has been winning consistantly. Just 4 examples, there are thousadfnds more on my You Tube Channels.
How the unique music is created for you.
It is scored, and then recorded one instrument at a time, and is unique to you and your horse. In over 31,655 routines over 42 years Gaynor has composed, created music for, none are the same. There are no 'playlist' restrictions as your music is recorded from scratch, thus you can have ANYTHING you want, any genre. No limitations, and no one will have music someone else has. The music is scored and played with every instrument recorded individually matching every dnamic and every nuance of your test, the tempos, the transitions all perfect. This isnot music patch and pasted from the Permitted Recordings List, but music played and composed by real musicians.
Dressage to Music Clinics.
What to expect at the Clinic. You will have a one hour session, during which Gaynor will be playing live for you while you ride. This means whatever she plays for every pace will be exactly the right speed, and always suits the horse. You can have any music you want, Gaynor can play anything, but if it doesn’t suit the horse, then you can discuss what else you can use. 40 minutes will be devoted to you riding to music, and Gaynor will be assessing what you are good at, what needs to be accentuated, and what needs to be avoided or disguised. Based on this, she will design an artistic floor plan, which you will ride, and Gaynor videos.
Having done thousands of clinics over the years, Gaynor is very experienced in putting even the most nervous rider at ease. In 38 years, only one person has fallen off during one of Gaynor’s clinics, ( the rider was on her mobile phone)!! Gaynor always provides her own top quality sound system, so it sounds great.
What happens next
Gaynor will create your tailor made music from scratch one instrumement at a time back in her recording studio. You will be send a draft copy of your music to your email, and a dubbed youtube video to your facebook page. She is very much in demand, as she has a very high success rate, 10,936 winners worldwide since 1980, 441 winners in 2018 and 23 wins in January 2019 alone. Her turn round time is 5 – 6 weeks.
What do you need to do
- Gaynor would like to know your horse’s name, level and a bit of information on them
- Have a think about what music you like, if you have anything you really would like.
Payment Details
The one day Clinic is £175, which includes the Session and the Competition CD. The design of the Floor Plan is free of charge. The arena charge is separate, and unless advised, you pay this directly to the venue. Some venues are much more expensive than others, and where possible, if Gaynor is also doing a demo, she will try and subsidise the arena hourly rate.
A £75 Deposit is required once you have booked your place. Payment details are:-
Gaynor Colbourn Account Number 30466903 Sort Code 56-00-42
Payment of the remainder can be made any time before the event, or on the day.
A PPL Licence Form must be filled in prior to competing. https://www.britishdressage.co.uk/media/1699/music-licence-record-form.pdf for the Record Form. As I am the Copyright Owner of all the music I create, you put Artist Gaynor Colbourn, I will tell you the title and time once your music is complete. The sub Licence, just sign the last page. Then send both back to BD, who will send you stickers with your Membership and License Number.
Things happen, so if you find you cannot attend the clinic, advise Gaynor as soon as possible so a replacement can fill the space., and your deposit will be returned. If cancellation is within 14 days of the event, and a replacement cannot be found, sadly your deposit cannot be returned. Hopefully, this won’t happen.
Gaynor will set the times around clients requests, so let her know as soon as you can when you would like to have your time slot
This session will excite, inspire and thrill you. You will feel huge satisfaction as it will make your horse go like it has never done before and you will ride with rhythm you’ve never felt before. You will feel total joy.
Provide Gaynor with your email address, facebook address and postal addressSend Gaynor a good photo of you and your horse for the picture CD you will be sent.

Competition Music from Video
Send your video to Gaynor, who will create your music from scratch

Free Online Sessions
You need a phone yourself, put it in your breast pocket or wear earphones so you can hear me. I will be playing live in your ear, so to get the most fun out of your session, make sure you are prepared. I need you to talk to me as well.
I will spend the whole 30 mins playing for you, talking to you and assessing the horse. I’ll send you your Floor Plan after the session so we don’t waste any of your valuable riding to music time.